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Buffet Crampon Chadash Barrel - A Clarinet



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The Chadash Clarinet Barrel, crafted and distributed by Buffet Crampon, features unstained Dalbergia wood handpicked from Buffet's premium Parisian stock. Its reverse tapered conical bore is like the "Moennig" barrel but with a slower gradation of taper.


  • Reverse Tapered Bore: Elevates the tuning relationship between the 12th interval and the fundamental
  • Gradual Taper: Enhances legato while holding the sound
  • Double Reaming Process: Optimizes the accuracy of bore concentricity
  • Polished Bore: Achieves a focused, full sound across the third and fifth partials

The Chadash barrel strikes a balance between a rich, expansive tone and reduced resistance, ensuring excellent control and response for many players. Being slightly less open than the Moennig, it offers easier control and response for most musicians. As such, the Chadash Clarinet Barrel is very versatile, allowing a good balance between power and control.