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Alfred's Basic Piano Library - Lesson Book



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By Willard A. Palmer, Morton Manus, and Amanda Vick Lethco

This easy step-by-step method emphasizes correct playing habits and note reading through interval recognition.

This course is most effective when used under the direction of a piano teacher or experienced musician.

Lesson Book Level 1A begins by teaching basic keyboard topography and fluent recognition of white key names in relation to black keys. It focuses on simple rhythms and prepares students for intervallic reading with entertaining songs that focus on "same," "stepping up" and "stepping down." It then introduces lines and space notes in treble and bass clefs, melodic and harmonic intervals of 2nds, 3rds, 4ths and 5ths, and graduates to reading on the grand staff. It also introduces the flat and sharp signs. 

Lesson Book 1B begins by reviewing the concepts taught in Lesson Book 1A, then introduces new concepts such as incomplete measures, tempo markings, eighth notes and rests, using the damper pedal, half steps and whole steps. It also introduces the major scale through the concept of tetrachords.

Lesson Book 2 continues where Level 1B finishes. This book introduces dotted half notes and dotted quarter notes, plus intervals of 6ths, 7ths and octaves. Teaches greater movement of the hands, including crossing two over one and scalework. Students will also learn more about triads, primary chords, and blocked and broken chords.

Lesson Book 3 introduces "overlapping pedal"; new time signatures 3/8 and 6/8; and the primary triads in Major and Minor keys. Concepts include: passing one under two and one under three; playing major scales in contrary motion; the chromatic scale; the minor scale.

Lesson Book 4 concepts include: tarantellas; eighth note triplets; arpeggiated chords; first and second inversion triads in C; triads in all positions; major scales in parallel motion; two-part writing; seventh chords and inversions of seventh chords; E harmonic minor scale in contrary motion; primary chords in E minor; sixteenth notes; dotted eighth notes; primary chords in B-flat Major and G Minor; repeated-note warm-ups; and harmonic minor scales in parallel motion.

Lesson Book 5 concepts include the ornaments: long appoggiatura, short appoggiatura, trill and mordent; plus arpeggios; the A Major scale; and the keys of B minor and C minor. Also introduces the playing of minuets, sonatinas, preludes and arias.

Level 6 concepts include: a review of major and minor triads; diminished and augmented triads; the diminished seventh chord; a special style of pedaling; the key of F-sharp Minor; the E Major scale; the key of C-sharp minor; the A-flat Major scale; thirty-second notes; and dotted sixteenth notes. This book also contains an important daily scale routine and a dictionary of musical terms.